IEA User-Centred Energy Systems “TCP Day”: Solutions for an inclusive energy transition

April 6, 2022 – April 6, 2022
08:30 am – 03:30 pm
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)

The Users Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) day is dedicated to socio-technical topics of the energy transition, such as the involvement of users in innovation processes. Topics of the TCP day will be current activities and highlights of the work within the Users TCP and input from other IEA TCPs with Austrian participation, addressing the topic of “inclusive energy transition”.

FFG – Sensengasse 1, 1090 Wien (Building: “Haus der Forschung”; Room: “Franziska Seidl”)


The event is organized by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) in the frame of the 5th IEA Users TCP Executive Committee meeting.

Content Description

The energy sector is in an enormous phase of change. The ecological need to decarbonise requires a rapid increase in demand-side energy efficiency and flexibility, as well as the growth of decentralized renewable generation, which brings energy to the heart of communities, cities and municipalities. At the same time, digitalization is changing the broader societal expectations of service, value and user-friendliness.

These social and ecological forces are reversing the energy system and make it imperative that technology designers and political decision-makers properly understand how people allow, accept and use new energy technologies. There is a need to better understand the role of users in energy systems and to acquire this understanding together with know-how about technologies to accelerate the energy transition.

Adopting a “systems perspective” makes people – technology designers, policy makers, intermediaries, and end users – an integral part of hardware and software solutions that provide an energy system that meets our broader social, environmental, and economic goals. This “socio-technical” approach is the core of the IEA’s User-Centred Energy System TCP (Users TCP), which forms the framework for this event.

The Users TCP Day is therefore dedicated to socio-technical topics of the energy transition, such as the involvement of users in innovation processes. Topics of the TCP day will be current activities and highlights of the work within the Users TCP and input from other IEA TCPs with Austrian participation, addressing the topic of “inclusive energy transition”.

To round off the exciting inputs and impulses from Austrian experts within existing IEA cooperation, an application-oriented contribution is planned by representatives of the energy supplier Wien Energie. This contribution from the “implementation point of view” is then followed by a visit of a newly established energy community project in a neighbourhood located in Vienna.


  • 08:30 Registration & Coffee
  • 09:00 Welcome & Introduction
    (Sabine Mitter, BMK; Peter Illich, FFG)
  • 09:20 – 10:20 IEA Users TCP introduction and highlights
    • The IEA UsersTCP – overview, strategic plan and highlights (David Shipworth, Chair UsersTCP)
    • Gender, policy, technology development  and Energy use: examples from Austria
      (Beatrix Hausner; Azadeh Badieijaryani, ÖGUT; Anna Åberg, Chalmers University of Technology)
    • Social License to Automate 2.0: Follow-Up Task Austria
      (Andrea Werner, FH Technikum Wien; Lisa Diamond, AIT)
  • 10:20 Coffee Break
  • 10:40 “How has inclusivity shaped other TCP activities?” – cross-TCP topics and efforts towards an inclusive energy transition in other TCPs with Austrian contribution
    • ISGAN, International Smart Grid Action Network – (Michael Hübner, BMK; Anna Wang, AIT)
    • C3E, Clean Energy Education & Empowerment – (Kerstin Schilcher, Austrian Energy Agency)
  • 11:20 Distributed data solutions for distributed energy sources – How the energy tokenization platform MyPower enables participatory business models already today
    (Kai Siefert, Wien Energie/Riddle & Code)
  • 11:40 Discussion and Q&A
  • 12:00 Introduction to tour / site visit at an energy community in Vienna
  • 12:10 Lunch Break
  • 13:45 Meeting at tour / site visit location at an energy community in Vienna
    (information to the project and location will be announced still)
  • 15:30 End of TCP Day

Target Audience

Austrian experts (eg. technology designers / providers, policy makers, energy providers, R&D experts, etc.) dealing with socio-technical issues related to the energy transition.

Participant Information

The TCP Day is planned as a “hybrid event”, allowing to participate on-site and remotely online.

Please indicate in your registration if you want to participate:

  • on-site participation at the location of the TCP Day (see information about “2G+ rule”) or
  • online participation (access link will be shared short before the event)

Please note: There is only a limited number of participants on-site at the location of the event possible.

COVID Health and Safety Concept

The 2G+ rule applies: recovered / vaccinated + PCR tested

You may only enter FFG premises if you have proof of full vaccination, or proof of past infection and have a negative PCR test no older than 48 hours (“2G+ rule”). All guests are requested to provide proof that they meet this requirement.

The wearing of FFP2-masks is mandatory throughout the entire building.

For further information please see the current FFG health and safety concept online.

For information regarding Corona virus Test Centres please visit the website of the City of Vienna.

For registration, please click here.

Contact Address

FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Peter Illich
Tel.: +43 (5) 77 55-5044